Saturday, April 24, 2010

New Blog

o why did I start a new blog when my old one fizzled out and why am I starting one called Audience of one?

These answers are really tied together. Well I was thinking about the old one and why I didn’t keep it going and the idea came to my mind that it was because although I like losing weight it is not where my passion lie.

And I believe that is you are gonna spend your time blogging about something it has to be about something you are passionate about or you will get bored. And as anyone who has ADD knows if you get bored it is hard to keep going.

So as I pondered that, I began to think of what I was passionate about, what I thought about for most of my day.

Then I remembered an article that I read about ten years ago. It said that in whatever we do we are “supposed to do it as if we are playing for an audience of one”. That stuck with me and I have lived that way since.

It changed the way I looked at life. I went from looking outward as I walked to looking upward. In other words I got it that no matter what I did in my day to day life, I was to learn to do if in faith.

So what I am passionate about if FAITH. This is what gets me going. This is what I spend the majority of my time thinking about. And not only thinking about but also trying to live out (although I have much room to grow).

 I know that this world would be an amazing place if we would all just simply live by faith. I love God and I just want to trust him a go where he leads, with no discussion on my part, but that is not always the case.

In this blog I hope to discuss faith, share stories about faith, lives of great men and women of faith, as well as quotes, scriptures, and my humble thoughts on the subject.

Thanks for reading along. If it is a topic you are interested in please feel free to sign up!
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