Monday, January 18, 2010

I Want it NOW!!! or Learning that NO isn't a four letter word!

Right now I am on day three of this life change. I am excited about it but let’s face it I also know that at times it is going to be absolutely no fun whatsoever. But that is ok.

I think as Americans we are so conditioned to believe that we should "Have it All! And Have it Now!!" that if we find that we can't "Have it all Right now" we start to panic.

A lot of the times when I was eating when I shouldn't of, I would say to myself "It's ok because I want to!" Wow! What a load of crap that was!! Remember Veruca salt "I WANT IT NOW DADDY!!!" Remember what happened to her! Not to pretty! Well neither is my state!

Since when did anything ever become ok just because we wanted it? With that thinking I guess it would be OK when Murders killed innocent people or rapists raped innocent people...Hey they wanted to so it must be ok right?...right?...WRONG!

In order to beat this demon I call "gluttony" I have got to teach myself to really "know" that "NO" is not a four letter word (figuratively speaking).

As a matter of fact NO is a great word when speaking sentences such as "No, I will not push you off this cliff." or "No, I will not kick the dog just because you dared me." and then of course, the music to every parents ears, is to hear that our child said "NO! I am waiting until I am married!"

So in this journey of learning to let go of what harms me to hold on too, I am also going to earn to embrace all things put in place for my success ...such as NO. Yes it is positively negative but if used right it can be positively life changing as well.

So if you happen to run into me these days, don't be surprised if in answer to your questions I respond with "NO! NO! NO!" I am just flexing my "I may want it, but it is not good for me, therefore, I don't need it, Muscle!"


Kathy said...

Really good Lisa! I'll visit here as much as I are inspiring me for sure. you're a great writer!

Anonymous said...

so next time we meet at Starbuck's are you going to have a bottle of that lovely green juice with me?!! Say, "YES"!! :-) JK...LU~ Colette

Anonymous said...

p.s. Your "NO" post was actually very good, Lisa. I enjoyed reading it. 'Hope you don't mind me teasing you with a "Yes to green juice!"