Saturday, January 16, 2010

It Begins

     Well there I am and there it is! The person in the picture is apparently supposed to be me.

      I couldn't believe it when I saw it. It shocked me to my very core. I thought this...this...could not possibly be me.

     Not possibly be "little piglet" (as I was called at one time because I was so time). 

     The worst thing about this photo is that it does not do justice to the person that I am inside.

     The funny thing is that this used to represent what I looked like on the inside. For most of my life I was a mess internally yet on the outside looked wonderful.

     Then about ten years ago, I started doing the work that it took to change from an angry, bitter, negative person who really did not want to live.... to a happy peaceful person who loves life.

     I just turned 43 and I want this to get this weight off by the time I turn 44. Thus begins my campaign to lose 100 pounds in 1 year!!!

     No more excuses. I know that doing this might expose me to some cruel jokes and I realize that I may be writing this only to myself but whatever the case I don't care all!

     I only care about becoming the best me that I can be..the me that I was designed to be! Lisa


dariachick said...

Hey Lisa! Great Job! It is a great thing you are doing to set a goal and keep it going! I will be here to follow you and Cheer you on!!! Go Lisa Go Lisa Go!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, me too, Lisa! I totally agree with dariachick!! You Go Lisa! Here's to the "New You" on the outside~to match the inside! :-)

Anonymous said...

oops, I forgot to sign my anonymous comment!... Hugs, Colette